Unique identification number for land by Oct. 2, says CCLA

Visakhapatnam | Wednesday | 29th August, 2018


Vijaymohan said the records should be categorised as A, B and C, depending upon the status for allotting the unique number. more-inThe allotment of unique identification number, Bhudhar, for lands in the State should be completed by October 2 thereby providing fool-proof security to it, Chief Commissioner of Land Revenue Anil Chandra Punetha has said. Speaking at a meeting with revenue officials of four districts here on Tuesday, he said 2.41 lakh of the targeted 43.2 lakh land units has been completed so far. Since the unique number would be central in all land related dealings including buying and selling, mutation, loans and input subsidy in future, the records should be verified carefully before allotting the number without giving scope to irregularities or criticism, he said. In the implementation of the project so far, Krishna, Vizianagaram and Vizianagaram have stood first, second and third respectively..