Complete works of Kopparapu poets released

Visakhapatnam | Monday | 13th November, 2017


more-inFormer chairman of A P Press Academy Potturi Venkateswara Rao on Sunday released a volume of complete works of Kopparapu Kavulu marking the 120 years since they first began their literary endeavour. Former chairman of AP Press Academy Potturi Venkateswara Rao going through the ‘Kopparapu Kavula Sahitya Sarvasvam’ after releasing it in Visakhapatnam on Sunday. Surya Rao said though the two poets had literary feats, they did not get their due. He paid glowing tributes to Kopparapu kavulu- Venkata Subbaraya and Venkataramana- for enriching the ‘avadhana prakriya.’ Senior journalist K.

Ramachandra Murthy said the birth anniversary of the poets, literary eminence and publication of books should be celebrated by the State government. It was the responsibility of Central and State governments to include the ‘avadhana prakriya’ in curriculum and pass it on to future generations, he said..