High incidence of diabetes among farmers: study

Visakhapatnam | Friday | 24th November, 2017


While the incidence of diabetes among farmers across the world is low, the sample study has revealed the prevalence of diabetes was a high 18 per cent among farmers. A sample study conducted on farmers at the Seethammadhara Rythu Bazaar in the city has puzzled even the medical experts. more-inThe general impression is that farmers do not have diabetes as they do a lot of hard work as part of their farming activities. The lack of awareness and delayed treatment was indulging in complications like TB and stroke, resulting in high cost of treatment and impoverishing the farmers,” he says. Dr.

Surya Rao also wrote to the BJP Spokesperson Gopal Agarwal on the findings of the sample study and the need for an action plan to improve the health of farmers to achieve the Prime Minister’s vision..