Juice Fasting for Weight Loss; Benefits, Consequences and Risks

| Friday | 4th January, 2019


Juice fasting has become extremely popular these days and is both a weight-loss and a body cleanse diet. It is a diet where one only drinks fruit and vegetable juices and other clean liquids like water and tea.

Juice fasting is believed to help manage weight as it gives the digestive system a break, and makes it easier to absorb the nutrients present in the juices. Fruit and vegetable juices that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients are considered essential for the body and helpful in the process of weight loss.

1. Benefits of Juice Fasting

The juices help in building better immunity in the body, remove toxins and cleanse the body, and also better digestion. Apart from these functions, juice fasting is also beneficial in weight loss as it helps to keep the body light, hydrated, and nourished.

2. Consequences of Juice Fasting

Juice fasting, just like any other diet, will have consequences on your body. Since you go absolutely off solid or even semi-solid food, your body is likely to experience fatigue and tiredness in the initial days since your body is not used to functioning on such little diet, or else in extreme cases, illnesses such as severe diarrhoea, dizziness and low blood pressure will come its way.

Risks of Juice Fasting