Gujarat Govt's Karuna Abhiyan drive to save birds from manja injuries

Ahmedabad | Thursday | 10th January, 2019


The government-run Karuna Abhiyan drive, which will be on from January 10 to 20, calls on people to rescue injured birds; control rooms will be put up in different cities and towns to resuscitate rescued birds. The state government has appealed to the citizens to cooperate to save birds from 'manja' injuries. As many as 10,571 birds were injured by glass strings used to fly kites during Uttarayan festival last year. Our district-level officials will also allow NGOs to open rescue centers so that they can also help us in the drive to save the lives of birds." Around 9,752 out of these birds were discharged after treatment at the rescue centres started by the state government and NGOs jointly in 2018..