AMC dumps mixed waste at wet waste site, says it’s for time being

Aurangabad | Saturday | 19th May, 2018


Aurangabad: As part of the waste management project, the Aurangabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has identified four sites on the city’s outskirts for wet (organic) waste processing. The DPR for waste management proposes a single central processing site. However, over the last two-three days, we saw 23-25 trucks of waste being unloaded at the site without any sign of processing. However, owing to the resistance by people, the committee decided to make four processing sites.“The technical and the administrative sanctions were given according to the original plan. “Hence, the decision to use high density plastic sheets (tarpaulin) to cover the waste during precipitation.”The official added” “The next two-three months will see aggressive information, education and communication campaign to ensure 100% segregation of waste at source is achieved.”.