BBMP given 5 days to clear waste at Kalasipalya

Bengaluru | Friday | 12th October, 2018


She took the BBMP officials to task and gave them five days to clear all the waste that were dumped there. They were also told to ensure that garbage was not dumped anywhere inside the bus stand. more-inGarbage mounds, buses parked in the middle of the road and encroached footpaths greeted city Mayor Gangambike Mallikarjun, who was inspecting Kalasipalya bus stand and market on Thursday morning. She directed officials to levy a fine of ?10,000 on a shop that had kept tyres on the footpath, thereby blocking it for pedestrians. Taking note of the poor condition of road within the bus stand, she suggested white-topping as a solution, and directed officials to prepare a cost estimate for it..