175 MBBS students pledge allegiance to profession

Bhatinda | Thursday | 17th October, 2019


He inspired the students to excel in their carrier with hard work and dedication while adhering to medical ethics. All new entrants in the medical profession recited the conventional Hippocratic oath, pledging their allegiance to the profession, their compatriots, seniors and their duty towards their patients during the white-coat ceremony. Donning a white coat for the first time, in the presence of their parents and teachers, these first-year medical students were overjoyed while accepting medical profession. By wearing the white coat, these students have chosen to dedicate their lives to needs of others,” said Dr Raj Bahadur, vice-chancellor, Baba Farid University of Health Sciences. During the ceremony, all faculty members of AIIMS, Bathinda, and Guru Gobind Singh Medical College, Faridkot, introduced themselves to the students and their parents..