Parasite load in Vandalur zoo animals very low

Chennai | Friday | 20th July, 2018


The parasite load in animals in Vandalur zoo is lesser than those in the above-mentioned zoos and in free-roaming animals.Director of the institute Shekhar Kumar Niraj told TOI that 200 faecal samples had been collected from the animals in the three zoos and from the free-ranging animals for the study. Parasites, if go unnoticed, may prove fatal to the wildlife, he said.“Right now, we are at the initial stages of quantifying the parasite load in the wildlife and animals in smaller zoos. CHENNAI: Animals in Chennai’s Vandalur zoo live a healthier life in hygienic surroundings than those in Children’s Park at Guindy Amirthi zoo in Vellore and free-roaming wildlife like spotted deer, mongoose and jackals in an around the city. Then the treatment part comes into picture, which will further improve the health condition of the animals in both the smaller zoos and the free ranging ones,” he said. It will take some more time to quantify the actual load..