NHRC orders compensation Rs 1.5 lakh to family of minor blind girl who was raped and killed

Cuttack | Tuesday | 10th January, 2017


"Considering the manner in which the blind girl was murdered and the family status, the Commission recommended a further payment of Rs 1.5 lakh by Odisha government. Thereafter the accused fled away from the scene.On basis on Orissa high court 's order, the state government had already paid a compensation of Rs 1.5 lakh to the family. But the petitioner highlighted that the amount was inadequate and prayed the NHRC for additional compensation to the poor family.Tripathy had submitted that considering the brutality perpetrated on a minor blind girl student, the compensation was not adequate. This additional amount may be to some extent mitigate the ordeal suffered by the family due to the loss of minor blind girl," observed the commission during his camp sitting at Bhubaneswar on Tuesday. CUTTACK: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has recommended the state government to pay an additional compensation of Rs 1.5 lakh to the next kin of a minor blind girl, who was raped and brutally murdered in Konark in Puri district in 2013.The chief secretary A P Padhi has been directed to the compensation amount to the victim's family within six weeks..