To curb property frauds, Goa government to use Aadhaar

Goa | Tuesday | 31st July, 2018


"Given the controversy about implementation of Aadhaar, Khaunte said the linking of Aadhaar to property to avail the service would be purely voluntary. "Courts have been opened up on Saturdays for speedy disposal of mutation, partition and title cases. "We expect the property owner to give his phone number and email id and if anyone comes forward to perform a transaction with the land, other than the owner, the owner will get an SMS and email. "Regarding property, we are getting into a service to give Aadhaar-based alerts which is voluntary," revenue minister Rohan Khaunte said on Monday during the discussion on the demand for grants for departments headed by him. The government has already made it mandatory for citizens to provide their Aadhaar data while registering any property sale deed.The revenue minister said the department had initiated GIS-mapping of all land records in the state which would be completed in a year's time..