Deck beds in Salcete restrict access to beach

Goa | Monday | 18th December, 2017


"Whenever these inspections are planned, the shack owners are alerted by some persons from within the tourism department. By the time the squad reaches the site, the illegal beach beds are hidden," he said.In some cases, the water laps at the foot of the beach beds leaving hardly any space for leisurely walks or for children to play. I will issue directives soon for raids on such illegalities by shack owners," the tourism director said. "At the moment, both our squads are busy with verification of damage caused to the shacks due to the Ockhi cyclonic effect. Another nuisance faced by foreign female tourists is that male Indian tourists occupy these beach beds and ogle at them while they swim in the sea.Yet another problem these women face is that domestic tourists, under the guise of being busy on their cellphones, shoot video footage of them in their swimsuits..