Weather report Aug 20 Heavy rain lashes city, more expected in coming days

Indore | Tuesday | 21st August, 2018


The relative humidity in the morning was at 95% whereas at 5:30pm, it was 87%.The total rainfall in the city till 8:30pm has now increased to 494.4 mm. The total average rainfall till August 20 is 590mm, taking the rainfall deficit to 95mm.The patches of moderate to heavy rainfall are beneficial for the standing kharif crops whose quality was feared to have been deteriorated during the dry spell last week. Indore: After drizzle throughout the day, the clouds showered heavily in the evening as the city recorded a rainfall of 19.8 mm by 8:30pm.Many commuters riding on two-wheelers were stranded at various places due to heavy rain. Waterlogging was witnessed once again since the rains lashed the city at night. The Vijay Nagar square was waterlogged,” Akash Mishra, a professional from the city said.The rainfall over the region has been caused due to system generating from the Bay of Bengal..