Missing Tripura man back home after 4 months

Kolkata | Monday | 12th November, 2018


KOLKATA: Adhir Kumar Jamatia (55), who had been missing for four months, finally reached his home in Tripura on Sunday. A resident of Kachigang Colony in Tripura, Jamatia had left home for work in Bengaluru on July 4. The MLA got in touch with the chief minister of Tripura and the resident commissioner in Kolkata was asked to take necessary action,” Nag Biswas said. Ambarish Nag Biswas, West Bengal Radio Club secretary, finally managed to locate his address in Tripura and his family members were informed,” an official at the hospital said.Nag Biswas circulated his photographs and video among radio operators in Tripura. Finally, we got in touch with amateur radio operators who have a wide network..