More trouble for the Bhujbals: ACB registers fresh FIR

Mumbai | Friday | 14th July, 2017


The ACB registered an FIR against the Bhujbals, Sawant, the four people named in the documents as committee members and the officials in MHADA who were involved in allotting the land. The ACB said the FIR was registered on Thursday against the NCP leader and his nephew and 15 others, including former officials with the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) and civilians involved. Two of those booked, a supposed committee member and an ex-MHADA official, are now deceased. “The promoter was one Prashant Sawant,” the officer said, “and the agreement with MHADA said a residential complex named Tulsi Cooperative Housing Society would be built on the plot. The ACB on Thursday conducted searches at the registered offices of the Tulsi CHS (which was never built) in the Platinum Court complex and will soon question the people booked in the case..