Badminton legend Carolina Marina will give her medals to the Medical professionals in Spain for their service

Badminton | Tuesday | 7th July, 2020

As Spain remains one of the worst affected country and continues to fight against novel coronavirus, Olympic champion Carolina Marin offered her medals to the health professionals for their relentless service in the battle against COVID-19.
In a brilliant gesture, Marin gave a surprise to the frontline hospital professionals of Virgen del Mar hospital in Madrid, by interacting with them through a video call.
Saluting the health professionals for their service in this time of crisis, Marin was ready to give her medals to the health professionals.

“I offered all my medals to them when I was talking to them as they are in fact the real heroes in Spain. They deserve every applause and accolade,” said Marin

“I offered all my medals to them when I was talking to them as they are in fact the real heroes in Spain. They deserve every applause and accolade,” she added

Marina also interacted with care workers at the Sanitas Cima hospital in Barcelona.

“It was inspirational. I just wanted to thank them. They are the real heroes for all the effort in taking care of sick people in Spain during these terrible times. They did an incredible job and I would like to thank the frontline fighters who risk their lives every day and continue to serve people like us,” she said.