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About Careers and Courses

NYOOOZ has recently stepped into the world of education with its new initiative CareerznCoursez. This is an education information, career counselling, mentoring and education promotion platform for the students looking for opportunities in Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, and Gurgaon to pursue their desired academic and professional courses at the right academic institutions. NYOOOZ has partnered with Mr. Rajiv Khurana, a very well-known International Management Practitioner with over 30 years of experience, to mentor students in choosing right courses and right academic institutions leading to career opportunities through online counselling and mentoring.

Unlike other education platforms, CareerznCoursez aims to create awareness, engagement, and guidance for all the stakeholders, who are primarily students, parents, teachers, experts, educational institutions and their governing bodies. CareerznCoursez aims to sensitize and help students aspiring to study in Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, and Gurgaon about options available to them based on their aspirations, capabilities, personality, affordability and preferences. Similarly, CareerznCoursez help understand various educational and career opportunities available to them. It also helps the various academic and professional institutions and coaching institutes to interact with aspiring students to present their courses, their campuses and their credibility through the most effective yet customized audio-visual presentation. Students can avail free counselling sessions and scholarships from the various institutes at concessional rates through CareerznCoursez.
