Aditya Narayan suspended for his misbehaviour in college; reveals batchmate Shruti Vojhala

It was only yesterday, we reported to you Aditya Narayan was stopped at the Raipur airport because he had more luggage than the permissible limit. Even more, people from all walks of life commented on his behaviour.

It was only yesterday, we reported to you Aditya Narayan was stopped at the Raipur airport because he had more luggage than the permissible limit. Even more, people from all walks of life commented on his behaviour.

Now, a batchmate from Aditya's college has lashed him on Twitter.

 She wrote, “I remember him being suspended from college for a week because of misbehaviour with security guards. Old habits die hard. #AdityaNarayan”

Later, Aditya's fans started trolling Shruti, but seems like she doesn’t care and won’t apologise.


Aditya Narayan hasn’t reacted yet and we wonder what he has to say about the incident.

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