Now, #MeToo knocks doors of Ahmedabad's top school

  • | Saturday | 20th October, 2018

"This started in 9th grade when you joined school and went on for the remaining years in school. You claimed to be my best friend and despite asking you to stop multiple times, you continued. I stand with this movement but not when the allegations made are false and have gone too far," wrote another student. The student also targeted the school management saying, "You knew about it, but did not do anything". You not only touched me inappropriately on multiple occasions, but also passed lewd comments over text and in person.

The #MeToo movement, which has raised a storm and led to several resignations, including one Union minister, has reached a top city school with some former students sharing experiences of harassment at the hands of a particular student, and also accusing the school of inaction. It started on Friday morning with the school's former student writing on Facebook about harassment at the hands of a co-student. "This started in 9th grade when you joined school and went on for the remaining years in school. You not only touched me inappropriately on multiple occasions, but also passed lewd comments over text and in person. You claimed to be my best friend and despite asking you to stop multiple times, you continued. You disgust me. And I know I am not the only one you have done this to. You have made girls feel uncomfortable with your presence and you have gotten away with it time and again," she wrote. The post, which started as a private conversation, was shared by many after it became public. The student also targeted the school management saying, "You knew about it, but did not do anything". "A girl came to you with an incident of molestation and you did not do anything about it. You have not only failed her but also every other girl who would ever want to tell her story," she wrote, adding "I hope it gives courage to more girls to open up about their stories and understand that anyone who does this needs to be held accountable," she wrote further. After the post spread, another female student take to Facebook accusing the same boy again. "The way I felt after what you did was miserable. I vividly remember being asked again and again about whether I said 'No' enough times. What no one understood was how weak and paralysed I felt in the moment. What people should start understanding is that only yes means yes...I was strictly asked to not speak about it...It took a long time to come to terms with it," she wrote. However, as the day went, some other students came out in defence of the alleged harasser. "The accused has always ensured to drive all my friends home in the middle of the night. I stand with this movement but not when the allegations made are false and have gone too far," wrote another student.

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