Amarinder to meet Rahul today, with ‘report cards’ of some colleagues

  • | Thursday | 15th November, 2018

Punjab Chief Minister Minister Amarinder Singh. (Source: File Photo) Punjab Chief Minister Minister Amarinder Singh. (Source: File Photo)PUNJAB CHIEF Minister Amarinder Singh is taking report card of nearly a dozen Cabinet colleagues to AICC president Rahul Gandhi, who he is scheduled to meet in Delhi Thursday. The Chief minister, too, can handle some important departments, said a source. A senior party leader, who did not wish to be named, said, “The CM had received a certain complaints against a few colleagues.

Punjab Chief Minister Minister Amarinder Singh. (Source: File Photo) Punjab Chief Minister Minister Amarinder Singh. (Source: File Photo) PUNJAB CHIEF Minister Amarinder Singh is taking report card of nearly a dozen Cabinet colleagues to AICC president Rahul Gandhi, who he is scheduled to meet in Delhi Thursday. Sources told the Indian Express that the Chief Minister had received certain complaints against a few of his Cabinet colleagues around Diwali and he was not satisfied with the functioning of a few others. He was taking dossier on these ministers, particularly two of them against whom specific complaints were received, to Rahul for a final call on these ministers’ fate. It is learnt that the CM was miffed at the complaints, especially against two ministers. Also, the report card of a few other ministers was far from satisfactory. A senior party leader, who did not wish to be named, said, “The CM had received a certain complaints against a few colleagues. Then there were complaints by people that certain ministers were not performing well. There is a minister who has not done anything in one of his departments and the people are crying foul. Another one has not been able to sort out a pending issue for a long time, leaving the government open to opposition attacks. The CM is not willing to take any blot on his government’s face, especially ahead of the Lok Sabha election. Hence, the matter will be taken to Rahul. It would be his call if he wants to reshuffle the portfolios or drop some ministers.” He added that the CM would like to have an extreme action against “erring” and “non-performing” Cabinet colleagues so as to convey a message to the rest. Sources said it was felt when the performance of the government was assessed the non-performers were ending up becoming a liability, “Our government will soon be two years old ahead of Lok Sabha elections. We will be rated as per the performance and non-performers would bring our performance rating down,” said a leader. If the meeting decides to change the portfolios, several others, who are “performing well” may be handed over other departments too. The Chief minister, too, can handle some important departments, said a source. The CM is also going to discuss the boards and corporations to be allotted to the MLAs. Sources maintained that about 10 MLAs could be nominated to these bodies. Though there is an opposition to MLAs being given the posts and non-MLAs too have been wanting some posts in the government as they too worked for the party. For all the latest Chandigarh News, download Indian Express App

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