Punjab businessmen float new party named 'Bhartiya Aarthik Party', chose Gurnam Chaduni as CM face

  • | Tuesday | 10th August, 2021

Under the chairmanship of Haryana`s farmer leader Chaduni, representatives of various business organizations met and started the new party.

A unit of industrialists in Punjab has formed a new political party here and declared Bharatiya Kisan Union chief Gurnam Singh Chaduni as the chief ministerial face of the party in the 2022 assembly elections. This new party named `Bhartiya Aarthik Party` claims to represent farmers, traders and workers.

Under the chairmanship of Haryana`s farmer leader Chaduni, representatives of various business organizations met and started the new party.

Tarun Bawa, who headed a business organization, was made the national president of the newly formed party. At the same time, Chaduni was declared the face of the Chief Minister in the state assembly elections to be held in 2022.

Chaduni did not join the party but was present on the stage when his name was announced as the chief ministerial candidate. Last month, while talking about `Mission Punjab`, Chaduni had said that organizations protesting against the Centre`s agricultural laws in Punjab should contest the Punjab Assembly elections as it would "present a model of how the system is changed"


Addressing the gathering here, Chaduni said that the new party would work towards making his `Mission Punjab-2022` successful. "We have decided to contest all the 117 seats in the Punjab Assembly elections-2022," he said.

He claimed that farmers, traders and workers have faced constant neglect at the hands of both the Congress and the BJP. Chadhuni expressed hope that the new party would work for these marginalized sections of the society.

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