Intensify Crackdown on Power Theft: Punjab Power Minister Directs PSPCL

  • | Monday | 9th September, 2024

Punjab Power Minister Harbhajan Singh ETO on Sunday issued stringent directives to the state power utility — Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) — to combat power theft aggressively. Emphasizing a zero-tolerance policy against corruption, the Minister called for comprehensive special checks across the state to detect and prevent power thefts.   The Minister stressed the Punjab Governments commitment to energy conservation and curbing revenue losses due to power theft. He underscored the necessity of regular inspections to safeguard the interests of law-abiding consumers and to ensure efficient service delivery.   He instructed the PSPCL officials to conduct thorough inspections of all types of power connections, including domestic, commercial, agricultural, and industrial. Reports from these inspections are to be submitted to him daily. He warned that any PSPCL or PSTCL official involved in power theft would face immediate termination and legal action.   The Minister also directed the imposition of penalties and registration of FIRs against those caught stealing electricity.   The PSPCLs recent efforts have been notable. A total of 81,262 connections have been checked statewide, resulting in the detection of theft in numerous cases. Penalties amounting to approximately Rs 13.30 crore have been imposed on defaulters. Zone-wise, the Border Zone in Amritsar reported 27,285 checks with 989 theft cases and a penalty of Rs 3.01 crore. The West Zone in Bathinda saw 6,079 checks, detecting 872 thefts with Rs 3.03 crore in penalties. The North Zone in Jalandhar, Central Zone in Ludhiana, and South Zone in Patiala also reported significant theft cases and penalties.   The Minister emphasized that power theft equates to corruption and reaffirmed that no leniency will be shown towards those involved. Any PSPCL or PSTCL official and employee found indulging into power thefts directly or indirectly would not be spared at any cost. Any such official of any rank would be terminated as per rules with immediate effect, he said while asking the Distribution and Enforcement Teams to adhere his instructions in toto otherwise they should remain ready to face strict action.   He made it clear that he will personally oversee the enforcement of these measures to ensure the integrity and efficiency of Punjabs power sector.

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