Delhi govt cancels leaves of staff of all hospitals, medical institutions

  • | Saturday | 20th June, 2020

Amid the dispute between the Kejriwal government and Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal over the latest quarantine order, leaves of the staff of all hospitals and medical institutions under Delhi government`s Health and Family Welfare Department have been cancelled. The Delhi government has issued an order asking all the staff on leave to report back on duty with immediate effect. Delhi Lt Governor Anil Baijal passed an order on Friday putting an end to the Delhi government`s home quarantine strategy.

New Delhi: Amid the dispute between the Kejriwal government and Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal over the latest quarantine order, leaves of the staff of all hospitals and medical institutions under Delhi government`s Health and Family Welfare Department have been cancelled. The Delhi government has issued an order asking all the staff on leave to report back on duty with immediate effect.

Delhi Lt Governor Anil Baijal passed an order on Friday putting an end to the Delhi government`s home quarantine strategy. As per the new rules, any person found positive for the novel coronavirus in Delhi will now be placed in mandatory institutional quarantine for at least five days. The patient will only be allowed to leave the quarantine centre once the symptoms subside. The Kejriwal government has opposed to Lt Governor Anil Baijal`s order for a five-day institutional quarantine for Covid-19 patients, saying why separate rule was employed in case of Delhi.At the DDMA meeting on Friday, Kejriwal said the ICMR has permitted home isolation for asymptomatic and mild symptom coronavirus patients in the whole country.

As the Centre proposed institutional quarantine of all coronavirus patients, the Delhi government said if home isolation is done away with, the city will need 1 lakh beds by the end of June. "Most corona patients are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, how will arrangements be made for them. The coaches provided by the Railways for isolation are hot inside where patients cannot stay," Kejriwal was quoted as saying at the meeting.

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