Sushant Lok – the city locality that slipped off the authorities’ radar

  • | Monday | 14th January, 2019

Today, Sushant Lok 1 embodies all that has gone wrong with Gurugram. Even if, earlier, they weren’t green, they at least weren’t encroached upon. )Dismissive of residents’ complaints but brazen when it comes to flouting environmental rules, the authorities couldn’t be bothered. With all that ‘luxury’, you didn’t mind the power cuts that came on the back of summertime storms. Sushant Lok-1 might as well be called the locality that slipped off the city map – because there’s no such thing as a road here.If the streets have crumbled to grit and gravel, don’t bother looking for pavements.

GURUGRAM: Back in the summer of 2000, when the Millennium City was just a glint in developers’ eyes, this correspondent, along with parents and sibling, left Delhi for what they hoped was a better life.Hard as it may be to envision now, life in Sushant Lok 1 was once a delight. Clean air, roads relatively free of traffic, and nature not too far from the doorstep. With all that ‘luxury’, you didn’t mind the power cuts that came on the back of summertime storms. Today, Sushant Lok 1 embodies all that has gone wrong with Gurugram. And the NGT’s order is a grim reminder of the woes residents in this colony face every waking hour, through the year.Green belts, for example. Even if, earlier, they weren’t green, they at least weren’t encroached upon. But over the years, these stretches have been invaded by urban detritus of every sort, in flagrant violation of all environmental norms. So, a lack of green cover, of trees and park areas, has meant less open spaces for all (and a noticeable depreciation in the quality of life).Meanwhile, the condition of the roads inside the colony is a sore point among residents. It has become something of a standing joke. But it’s no joke if you hurt yourself while taking your evening walk (not helped by a dark patch hiding a pothole ), or if your car lurches to a back-spraining halt in one of those craters. Sushant Lok-1 might as well be called the locality that slipped off the city map – because there’s no such thing as a road here.If the streets have crumbled to grit and gravel, don’t bother looking for pavements. And if there are no footpaths, it’s little surprise that most would opt to take the car out, for even the shortest of journeys. But, if it’s a pain (literally and figuratively) to manoeuvre your way around these parts in any vehicle, all you’re left with is Hobson’s choice. (And we haven’t even mentioned the drains that overflow during the rains, and the mounds of garbage .)Dismissive of residents’ complaints but brazen when it comes to flouting environmental rules, the authorities couldn’t be bothered. Their haughty indifference has led to this quiet and salubrious corner of a couple of decades back turning into a sorry tale of neglect.

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