English is fine, it’s Hindi & Maths that make govt school students jittery

  • | Friday | 13th July, 2018

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not English but Hindi and Mathematics, in which students of government schools up to class eight are facing difficulties, finds a survey. The department will conduct a test in September to find out difference in reading abilities,” Shrivastava said.At present, the department has made it compulsory for Hindi and Mathematics teachers of 573 middle schools to go through the training programme and thereafter, a similar course will be introduced at block-level for teachers of 1,100 primary schools. To improve the situation, the department has introduced a five-day training programme for subject teachers.”The official said that teachers had been asked to give special attention to students with problems in identifying letters and digits.“Aim behind the entire excise is to help students of the said group acquire abilities of reading matching the level of their classmates. To improve their performance, District Institute of Education and Training ( DIET ) is providing training to teachers.“According to National Achievement Survey carried out last year, 13% students of Indore district , studying up to class eight in government schools, are facing problems in identification of numbers, while a large number of students cannot properly read and understand Hindi, which is a matter of concern for the department,” district programme coordinator Akshay Rathore told TOI.He said that among 51 districts of the state, Indore stands on ninth position where students face difficulties in reading and understanding Hindi and mathematics.“Around one lakh students are studying in government schools up to class eight in the district and according to the survey, 13,000 face problems in Mathematics,” said Rathore.DIET principal Renu Shrivastava said, “In ‘Pratibha Parva’ concluded recently, we noticed that students up to class eight are facing problems in reading Hindi and Mathematics.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not English but Hindi and Mathematics, in which students of government schools up to class eight are facing difficulties, finds a survey. To improve their performance, District Institute of Education and Training ( DIET ) is providing training to teachers.“According to National Achievement Survey carried out last year, 13% students of Indore district , studying up to class eight in government schools, are facing problems in identification of numbers, while a large number of students cannot properly read and understand Hindi, which is a matter of concern for the department,” district programme coordinator Akshay Rathore told TOI.He said that among 51 districts of the state, Indore stands on ninth position where students face difficulties in reading and understanding Hindi and mathematics.“Around one lakh students are studying in government schools up to class eight in the district and according to the survey, 13,000 face problems in Mathematics,” said Rathore.DIET principal Renu Shrivastava said, “In ‘Pratibha Parva’ concluded recently, we noticed that students up to class eight are facing problems in reading Hindi and Mathematics. To improve the situation, the department has introduced a five-day training programme for subject teachers.”The official said that teachers had been asked to give special attention to students with problems in identifying letters and digits.“Aim behind the entire excise is to help students of the said group acquire abilities of reading matching the level of their classmates. The department will conduct a test in September to find out difference in reading abilities,” Shrivastava said.At present, the department has made it compulsory for Hindi and Mathematics teachers of 573 middle schools to go through the training programme and thereafter, a similar course will be introduced at block-level for teachers of 1,100 primary schools.

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