Residents protest outside JDA office over water crisis

  • | Saturday | 19th May, 2018

The people asked JDA for water connection from the Bisalpur line as there was insufficient water supply in the households, which worsened with time. JAIPUR: Around 400 residents of Prithviraj Nagar on Friday gathered outside the JDA Office to protest a severe water crisis in their area. Residents have to pay huge amounts of money to private water tankers to avail minimum quantity of drinking water. JDA even after collecting a sum of Rs 830 crore as regularization fees has failed to provide PHED with a proper budget for basic amenities. He also added that we will wait for higher authorities at DISCOM and PHED to take action.

JAIPUR: Around 400 residents of Prithviraj Nagar on Friday gathered outside the JDA Office to protest a severe water crisis in their area. The residents were shouting slogans against the JDA for their ignorance toward their plight.The residents of Prithviraj Nagar were sitting on a dharna for the last 30 days in Chitrakoot but none of the JDA or PHED officer came to listen. The people asked JDA for water connection from the Bisalpur line as there was insufficient water supply in the households, which worsened with time. Residents have to pay huge amounts of money to private water tankers to avail minimum quantity of drinking water. The area also lacks well-constructed sewer lines for transporting sewage wastes from households through pipes for treatment facilities or disposal.Rajesh Maharshi, advocate and president of PNR Residents Committee said that there is acute shortage of water and no proper drainage system is there in the locality. "People fight every day for water and our women are on the receiving end. JDA even after collecting a sum of Rs 830 crore as regularization fees has failed to provide PHED with a proper budget for basic amenities. Our lives are also in danger as the high tension wires running above the house need to be displaced. We have complained many times but no action was taken. We want the government to spend money for the development of the area or this agitation will go on."JDC Vaibhav Glariya stated that PHED was given a budget of Rs 60 crores from JDA to provide the area with sufficient water supply and basic civil facilities however PHED required a sum of 480 crores which could not be made available by the JDA. He also added that we will wait for higher authorities at DISCOM and PHED to take action.

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