We need justice, says accused's family

  • | Tuesday | 24th July, 2018

The family member's asllegations were refuted by the Alwar police which said that arrests were made following detailed investigation. "The police initially arrested Dharmendra and Paramjeet. Seeking legal advice from all sides, they have sought support from local right-wing organisations, which are forwarding memorandums in support of 'justice' to the senior police officials and district administration. He did not tell my anything about the incident, I had only seen him entering the house and leaving hurriedly that night." Dhuli Chand, father of third accused Naresh said that if a fair probe is conducted, his son will walk out of the jail soon.

ALWAR: Three days after the arrest of the 23-year-old Dharmendra Yadav, his 60-year-old father Kailash Yadav wonders how his son, who aspired to be a Rajasthan police constable, land up in jail.Dharmendra, Paramjeet Singh and Naresh were arrested by the Ramgarh police station for the murder of 31-year-old Rakbar Khan, charges that are hard to digest for their family members. Their family claim that none of three were part of any gau rakshak organisations and have been framed by the cops.Parents of the three accused are running pillar to post trying to gather support from whomever they can and have spent endless hours at the police station. Seeking legal advice from all sides, they have sought support from local right-wing organisations, which are forwarding memorandums in support of 'justice' to the senior police officials and district administration. The right-wing organisations have alleged that the Ramgarh police wanted to show arrest as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment.Paramjeet Singh's uncle Avtar Singh said that police had taken Paramjeet and Dharmendr's help in transporting cows to the gau shala and arrested them soon after they left the shelter."They had left the cow shelter when a police official called Naval Kishore Sharma and requested him to bring both Paramjeet and Dharmendra to the police station for the statement. On reaching the police station, they were arrested by the Ramgarh in-charge," Singh said, claiming that the Dharmendra and Paramjeet were made scapegoat by the Ramgarh police station for a hasty investigation. According to Avtar Singh, Parmjeet Singh worked as a farmer at his fields.Dharmendra father says, "my son was the one, who helped cops who wanted Khan to clean up before taking him to the police station. He did not tell my anything about the incident, I had only seen him entering the house and leaving hurriedly that night." Dhuli Chand, father of third accused Naresh said that if a fair probe is conducted, his son will walk out of the jail soon. ."The police initially arrested Dharmendra and Paramjeet. Then they forced the duo to give names of their friends due to which they arrested Naresh," he said, however Chand admitted that he could not corroborate anything as he was not in the Alwar on Saturday. The family member's asllegations were refuted by the Alwar police which said that arrests were made following detailed investigation.

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