Alwar lynching Rakbar Khan postmortem report indicates multiple injuries fracture

  • | Tuesday | 24th July, 2018

The medical board also found damage in Khan’s left lung including the presence of blood. The board said that Khan died due to suffering shock and injuries over the body. Khan was brought dead at CHC Ramgarh at 4am, about three hours after he was beaten up by the mob. Multiple fractures and damage to ribs were also found during the medical examination.While scalp, brain and spinal cord were found to be healthy, the doctors found that Khan’s liver and kidneys were pale. JAIPUR: The three-member medical board, constituted for post-mortem of Alwar lynching victim Rakbar Khan , found internal injuries, fractures and bruises all over the body due to which he died after being assaulted by the mob on Saturday.Khan was waylaid and lynched by cow vigilantes on Saturday in Lalawandi village in Ramgarh block of Alwar district, a post-mortem was conducted by the board on Saturday at Rajiv Gandhi hospital in Alwar.The doctors found injuries on scapular and lumbar region of Khan’s body, apart from bruises at different parts.

JAIPUR: The three-member medical board, constituted for post-mortem of Alwar lynching victim Rakbar Khan , found internal injuries, fractures and bruises all over the body due to which he died after being assaulted by the mob on Saturday.Khan was waylaid and lynched by cow vigilantes on Saturday in Lalawandi village in Ramgarh block of Alwar district, a post-mortem was conducted by the board on Saturday at Rajiv Gandhi hospital in Alwar.The doctors found injuries on scapular and lumbar region of Khan’s body, apart from bruises at different parts. The medical board also found damage in Khan’s left lung including the presence of blood. Multiple fractures and damage to ribs were also found during the medical examination.While scalp, brain and spinal cord were found to be healthy, the doctors found that Khan’s liver and kidneys were pale. Khan was brought dead at CHC Ramgarh at 4am, about three hours after he was beaten up by the mob. The board said that Khan died due to suffering shock and injuries over the body.

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