Bikaner Technical University colleges to upload attendance register daily

  • | Thursday | 9th August, 2018

The BTU has distributed free attendance software to these colleges to upload attendance sheets on the websites. JAIPUR: In a first, 69 engineering colleges affiliated to the Bikaner Technical University (BTU) will now be uploading the attendance register of both students and teachers on a daily basis from the next week. The move is aimed to curb the possibility of fake attendance and will improve the performance of the students. Experts said that this is required as many colleges employ ghost teachers who exist only on papers. Several colleges were caught in the past for employing ghost teachers and fake M-Tech students who enroll in the program but never attend any class.

JAIPUR: In a first, 69 engineering colleges affiliated to the Bikaner Technical University (BTU) will now be uploading the attendance register of both students and teachers on a daily basis from the next week. The move is aimed to curb the possibility of fake attendance and will improve the performance of the students. The BTU has distributed free attendance software to these colleges to upload attendance sheets on the websites. It is compulsory for the colleges to inform parents about the new initiative. In case a student is absent, the software will automatically send a message and mail informing about the attendance status.HD Charan, vice chancellor, BTU said absenteeism has been a major problem in engineering colleges. “By this move, we have fixed the accountability on the colleges. Initially they are allowed to upload the information once in a week but once they understand the software they are expected to upload the data on a daily basis,” said Charan.Considering that uploading the data is not the solution, the BTU has also injected a rule that a message or mail will be sent to parents or the local guardian informing about the absenteeism. “Keeping parents in the loop has three advantages – it will scare the students to take unnecessary leave, ensure timely action by the parents and teachers will be more accountable,” said Charan.Another initiative which is also first of its kind is that BTU has divided the syllabus of all 17 branches of engineering on day to day basis. It means that teachers have to adhere to the teaching assignments given to them on daily basis which will counter the problem of delay in exams and results. The BTU is also uploading this information on its website. “Teachers are required to adhere to the deadline and upload the completed subjects on their web portals. Those who fail to complete the task have to face the action,” said Charan. Along with that teacher’s profile has to be uploaded on the website. Experts said that this is required as many colleges employ ghost teachers who exist only on papers. Several colleges were caught in the past for employing ghost teachers and fake M-Tech students who enroll in the program but never attend any class.

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