Cong registers protest against BJP supremos rally

  • | Tuesday | 18th September, 2018

They are wooing voters at the cost of interrupting the training schedules for the players which is morally incorrect, the party leaders claimed. Udaipur: The district Congress committee registered its protest against the proposed rally of BJP supremo Amit Shah on Tuesday at the playground of government Fateh senior secondary school here in Udaipur. If the rally takes place on the ground, we will protest,” Pankaj Sharma, district spokesman said. The saffron party is making preparation for the rally and earth moving equipment have been called for the ground levelling, distorting the original form. "The school management and development committee too had decided not to provide the premises for any activities other than school holidays, however, under the pressure of the education department and the ruling party, the SDMC too seems to be helpless.

Udaipur: The district Congress committee registered its protest against the proposed rally of BJP supremo Amit Shah on Tuesday at the playground of government Fateh senior secondary school here in Udaipur. The party workers and leaders staged a demonstration outside the collectorate and raised slogans over the autocracy of the state government by undertaking levelling work on the playground in order to prepare for the rally where Shah is to address a public gathering.The party workers said that the government school is one of the biggest boy's school in the city where students are coached all the year round for various sports including basketball, hockey, etc. The saffron party is making preparation for the rally and earth moving equipment have been called for the ground levelling, distorting the original form. They are wooing voters at the cost of interrupting the training schedules for the players which is morally incorrect, the party leaders claimed."The school management and development committee too had decided not to provide the premises for any activities other than school holidays, however, under the pressure of the education department and the ruling party, the SDMC too seems to be helpless. If the rally takes place on the ground, we will protest,” Pankaj Sharma, district spokesman said.

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