Four arrested for thrashing trader

  • | Thursday | 15th March, 2018

Rajkot: Four persons were arrested on Wednesday for thrashing a trader inside his shop on Mangnath Road in Junagadh on Tuesday evening.Police said Paresh Lakhiyani (32), a resident of Junagadh, was beaten up black and blue by Mayur Karamtha, Bhupat Koliyatar, Kana Mori and Kalu Thambhala — all residents of Rabarivas in Junagadh. They were caught in the act on the shop’s CCTV,” said a police official. “The accused selected clothes from the shop and refused to pay. This led to an altercation, following which they attacked Lakhiyani with clubs.

Rajkot: Four persons were arrested on Wednesday for thrashing a trader inside his shop on Mangnath Road in Junagadh on Tuesday evening.Police said Paresh Lakhiyani (32), a resident of Junagadh, was beaten up black and blue by Mayur Karamtha, Bhupat Koliyatar, Kana Mori and Kalu Thambhala — all residents of Rabarivas in Junagadh. “The accused selected clothes from the shop and refused to pay. This led to an altercation, following which they attacked Lakhiyani with clubs. They were caught in the act on the shop’s CCTV,” said a police official. tnn

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