Season’s first snowfall makes Manali shiver at minus 1.2 degrees Celsius, faces power cut

  • | Friday | 16th November, 2018

MANALI: Manali on Thursday woke up to white blanket of snow covering the entire valley. The Lahaul valley has also become landlocked with Keylong, Udaipur, Koksar and other parts of the valley receiving 5-10cm of fresh snow. “Manali town has received first snowfall of the season that will prove boon for tourism. Over 50% of tourists coming to Manali after watching online forecast are able to see fresh snowfall. Our nearby tourist destinations are frequently receiving fresh snow.

MANALI: Manali on Thursday woke up to white blanket of snow covering the entire valley. The town also recorded lowest temperature of the season at minus 1.2 degrees Celsius, much below normal during this time of the season.Most parts of the state are facing intense cold wave conditions after snowfall on upper reaches and water sources have started freezing early. The Manali-Rohtang highway has been blocked with a thick layer of snow with the Rohtang Pass now expected to open for tourists in May next year. The Lahaul valley has also become landlocked with Keylong, Udaipur, Koksar and other parts of the valley receiving 5-10cm of fresh snow. Keylong recorded minimum temperature of minus 3.2 degrees Celsius.Bus service remained suspended on all routes in Lahaul and some routes in Kullu . Tourist vehicles are also not being allowed to go towards Gulaba keeping security of people in mind. However, the tourists enjoying as there is enough snow in lower areas, including Solang valley. Solang and Kothi received 30cm each of fresh snow while Manali town also received 10cm of snow.The first snowfall of the season also brought its share of troubles for the people as roads filled with slush and power remained cut in many areas. Power lines in Lahaul have also been snapped. As the bone-chilling cold has returned, the residents of Manali have fired up their tandoor (fireplace) and switched on room heaters.The Shimla meteorological centre has predicted dry weather for the next few days that will result in further drop in temperature. Himachal Pradesh is expected to get good snowfall this year as temperature is 1-4 degrees below the normal and western disturbances are active. The state government has ordered all departments to stay alert in the winter season as good snowfall is expected to keep roads blocked and power lines snapped for most of the days.After getting weather forecast online, tourists are thronging Manali to see fresh snowfall. “Manali town has received first snowfall of the season that will prove boon for tourism. Our nearby tourist destinations are frequently receiving fresh snow. Over 50% of tourists coming to Manali after watching online forecast are able to see fresh snowfall. Hopefully the snow lasts till summer and brings us more tourists. Last year we were worried due to less snowfall throughout winter, but this time we have been blessed with timely snow,” said Manali Hoteliers’ Association president Anup Ram Thakur.

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