'Modi is like God': Gold bars with Narendra Modi's imprints a hit in Gujarat jewellery shop

  • | Monday | 5th November, 2018

"This is not the first time that the shop has manufactured jewellery with imprints of the prime minister. Since the time Narendra Modi ji took over as the prime minister of the country there has always been development and welfare. This year I will buy these bars and worship Modi ji. Earlier rakhis made of gold with photos of PM Modi, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath and Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani engraved on them were also made by the shop.The shop owner, Milan told ANI, “Diwali is an auspicious occasion. There has been widespread development in the country and hence I thought of making these to mark the occasion.”He further said that several orders of the special gold and silver bars have been received by the shop ahead of the Diwali festivities.

Gujarat: A jewellery shop in Surat is selling gold&silver bars with faces of PM Modi&former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee… https://t.co/Jk3AoE9iVu — ANI (@ANI) 1541370755000 SURAT: With just a day left for Diwali, a jewellery shop here has attracted the attention of customers by selling gold and silver bars with the imprints of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former prime minister late Atal Bihari Vajpayee.A customer said, "Lord Laxmi and Ganesh are worshipped on every Diwali and Prime Minister Modi is also like God to us. This year I will buy these bars and worship Modi ji."This is not the first time that the shop has manufactured jewellery with imprints of the prime minister. Earlier rakhis made of gold with photos of PM Modi, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath and Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani engraved on them were also made by the shop.The shop owner, Milan told ANI, “Diwali is an auspicious occasion. Since the time Narendra Modi ji took over as the prime minister of the country there has always been development and welfare. There has been widespread development in the country and hence I thought of making these to mark the occasion.”He further said that several orders of the special gold and silver bars have been received by the shop ahead of the Diwali festivities.

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