Women launch #IamNOTjustAnumber campaign in Thiruvananthapuram

  • | Wednesday | 25th April, 2018

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the backdrop of court orders banning disclosure of name of rape survivors, a group of women has launched #IamNOTjustAnumber campaign in social media . Through the campaign, the women gives permission to disclose their names if a sexual violence happen against them. The stress that the dignity of women has nothing to do with the crime committed by a criminal and terms the supreme court order a patriarchal decision.Several women have uploaded their pictures in Facebook with them holding a message #IamNOTjustAnumber. My dignity has nothing to do with the heinous crime of rape committed on me by a criminal. The post carries the message, “Please disclose my name, reveal my identity and publish my photograph if I am raped and killed.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In the backdrop of court orders banning disclosure of name of rape survivors, a group of women has launched #IamNOTjustAnumber campaign in social media . Through the campaign, the women gives permission to disclose their names if a sexual violence happen against them. The stress that the dignity of women has nothing to do with the crime committed by a criminal and terms the supreme court order a patriarchal decision.Several women have uploaded their pictures in Facebook with them holding a message #IamNOTjustAnumber. The post carries the message, “Please disclose my name, reveal my identity and publish my photograph if I am raped and killed. The supreme Court goes along with the ban on disclosing the identity of the rape victim even if she is killed.The explanation is that even a dead woman has dignity ! Come on! Honorable courts. Come out of the deep shit of patriarchy. My dignity has nothing to do with the heinous crime of rape committed on me by a criminal. I want to fight this fierce battle against RAPE even after my death .I will not allow the society to erase me from the public memory .I will not allow the rest of the men in the world to move on without having the slightest trouble of watching my face in social media. How are you going to address me after my death? Where is my share of Justice? How are you going to mark me posthumously? Am I just a number? One among the hundreds and thousands being raped and killed on an everyday basis?. I refuse to be one. I am not just a number being added to your data base of crime. I lived here. I was a human being with flesh and blood .I had a family. I had dreams. My life was snatched away by your own men. You are an accomplice in this crime. Now you want the world to forget me? No ,I will fight against it. Take my word. I will not allow any one else to decide whether my identity could be revealed or not. I am not willing to give the authority to anyone else to measure my Dignity. Damn your false sense of pride ! This is my testament to my sisters. Shout my name in the street, carry my pictures and take this battle ahead until justice is served,”.

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