Class VII boy thrashed by teacher for not wearing shoes

  • | Monday | 9th July, 2018

School authorities refuted these allegations.On Monday at around 7:30 am, the boy reached school but was not wearing any shoes. Agra: A class VII Dalit student on Monday was allegedly thrashed by his teacher at a government school in Aligarh and sent home for not having his shoes on. When he reached home crying, his father asked him what was wrong and the boy told him about the episode. Refuting allegations leveled against school staff, the principal said that neither the son nor the father had been thrashed. She said that the principal had been asked to take the student back and not repeat such incidents in the future.

Agra: A class VII Dalit student on Monday was allegedly thrashed by his teacher at a government school in Aligarh and sent home for not having his shoes on. His father has approached the SSP, demanding action against school authorities. The District Inspector of Schools (DIOS) has ordered an inquiry into the incident.The boy’s father, a labourer, alleged that even he was beaten up by the principal of the school, Shri Maheshwar Inter College, Sasni Gate, when he approached him to lodge a complaint against the teacher who assaulted his son. The principal, who according to the boy’s father didn’t pay heed to his allegations, even asked him to stop sending his son to the school if he was unable to afford a pair of shoes for him. The father also said that his son had been handed a transfer certificate (TC). School authorities refuted these allegations.On Monday at around 7:30 am, the boy reached school but was not wearing any shoes. When a teacher noticed he was not in full uniform, he allegedly thrashed him, sent him back home and asked him to come back only after putting his shoes on. When he reached home crying, his father asked him what was wrong and the boy told him about the episode. His father first went to the school and after he was turned away, reached the SSP’s office to lodge a complaint as he didn’t have the money to buy a pair of shoes, he said.Superintendent of police (crime) Ashutosh Dwivedi said that a complaint had been marked to Sasni police station so action could be taken after investigating the matter. Refuting allegations leveled against school staff, the principal said that neither the son nor the father had been thrashed. He also said that the student was never issued a TC. The boy’s father, according to him, was creating an unnecessary issue.When contacted, DIOS (Acting in charge) Deepti Varshney said that an inquiry had been initiated into the incident and that action would be taken on the basis of its report. She said that the principal had been asked to take the student back and not repeat such incidents in the future.

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