Modi invokes 1971 says hed have taken back Kartapur Sahib before freeing Pak soldiers

  • | Saturday | 25th May, 2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, adorned in a saffron turban, seized the spotlight at the Patiala rally on Thursday, unleashing a barrage of poignant truths aimed squarely at the conscience of the Sikh community. With a thundering voice, he resurrected the ghosts of history, unearthing the painful wounds inflicted by the 1984 anti-Sikh riots and the enduring struggle for access to Gurudwara Kartarpur Sahib, while directing his attack on the Congress party.   As the crowd hung onto his every word, Modi illuminated the strides made by his government in the past decade, from the symbolic gestures of waiving GST on langar to the reverential observance of holiday on the martyrdom of Chhota Sahibzadas. Yet, amidst the echoes of his promises, he issued a stark challenge to the Congress, accusing them of perpetuating a legacy of division and humiliation.   These are the Congress leaders who divided India for power. Since independence, we used to view Sri Kartarpur Sahib through binoculars. In the 1971 war, we had 90,000 soldiers in our hands. The winning card was in our hands. I confidently say that if Modi had been there at that time, I would have taken Kartarpur Sahib from them. Only then would I have released those soldiers, he said adding that whatever service I could do, I have done, and today, Kartarpur Sahib is in front of us.   Our government has exempted langar from tax. Previous governments could have done this too. Earlier, devotees from abroad could not give donations at the Golden Temple, but Modi relaxed the rules. Today, anyone can do sewa in the temple. This is the Modi Government that declared Veer Bal Divas for the sons of Shahibzadas, but some people dont understand what declaring Veer Bal Divas means. I am surprised that some people dont understand this…The sons of Shahibzadas are not known in other parts of the country. Thats why we tried to spread the message of Veer Bal Divas throughout the country. If the people of Punjab do not understand this, then what could be sadder than this? he added.   He further said that everyone knows what happened in Afghanistan. Our leaders brought Sri Guru Granth Sahib from Afghanistan on their heads….Today, if you go to Jam Nagar, the biggest hospital there is named after Guru Gobind Singh Ji, but the truth is not reached to you.   Kickstarting his two-day Punjab visit from Patiala, Modi made a vote appeal for the BJP candidates, saying every vote to them would directly come in his kitty.   Amidst the massive farmers protests the BJP candidates and leaders are facing in Punjab echoing the sentiment of discontentment with the Modi led Central Governments policies, the Prime Minister presented a different narrative, emphasizing the significant strides made in agricultural reforms. He proudly proclaimed a 2.5 times increase in minimum support price (MSP) over the past decade — a testament to the governments commitment to uplifting the farming community.   Moreover, he highlighted the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme, providing financial support of Rs 30,000 to each farmer in Punjab.   Pivoting to political rhetoric, Modi launched a scathing attack on the opposition, particularly the newly-formed INDIA bloc. With characteristic flair, he lambasted the oppositions lack of leadership and intent, branding them as bhrashtachariyon ka INDI gathbandhan — a coalition devoid of both vision and integrity. His jibes at Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, labeling him a kagzi CM, struck a chord with the crowd, highlighting the fierce political battleground that Punjab had become.   Declaring that the 2024 election is the nations election, Modi said: On one side stand the BJP and the NDA, while on the other side is the corrupt alliance of opportunists. This alliance lacks both leadership and intent. On one hand, there is the Modi Government, which is manufacturing aircraft. On the other hand, there is the opposition alliance talking about destroying nuclear weapons.   On one side is the courage to infiltrate and eliminate terrorists in their homes, on the other are those shedding tears over encounters with terrorists. On one side is the Modi Government, which has lifted 250 million people out of poverty in 10 years. On the other side is the opposition alliance, which will snatch half of your income and farm land, he said.   Continuing his attack against the Opposition INDI alliance, the Prime Minister said that here in Punjab, the corrupt party from Delhi and the party responsible for Sikh attacks are pretending to fight each other, but the truth is that there are two parties, but the shop is the same. People here may say anything, but in Delhi, they are carrying each other on their shoulders and dancing, he added.   Modi said that today, he has come to seek blessings on the land of the Gurus. Whether its the defense of the nation, the development of the country, the Sikh community has always led the way. The people here have led the countrys development from agriculture to entrepreneurship, but the corrupt have ruined Punjab. Industries and businesses are fleeing. The drug trade is flourishing, he added.   He said that the orders of the State Government do not work. Here, the sand mining mafia, drug mafia, and shooter gangs are rampant. The entire government is running on loans. All ministers are enjoying themselves, and those who are kagzi CMs dont even have time from attending court in Delhi, he said.   Capt Amarinder conspicuous absence Punjabs former Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh, also the husband of BJP candidate Preneet Kaur for the Patiala Lok Sabha seat, was conspicuously absent from the Prime Minister Narendra Modis inaugural rally in Punjab. The reason behind his absence is his health condition, as he has been advised against traveling due to illness.   In a personal letter addressed to the Prime Minister, Capt Amarinder expressed regret for his inability to attend the rally and personally welcome Modi. At the same time, he assured the PM of their commitment to securing the seat.   Capt Amaridners absence stems from health complications that emerged following his medical examination on May 13. Despite returning home on May 14, he suffered a severe gastroenteritis episode, requiring four days of intravenous treatment.   Following medical advice, he has been recuperating at his residence in Defence Colony, where he continues to rest due to extreme weakness. A close associate mentioned that although his health is improving steadily, attending the Patiala rally is not advisable at this time.   The absence of Singh, a key figure in Punjab politics, poses a challenge for Preneet Kaur and their daughter Jai Inder Kaur, who now must shoulder the responsibility of managing the campaign on their own.

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