Delhi: Minor dies who sneaks out with bike gets killed in accident

  • | Monday | 12th November, 2018

COLLISIONPrima facie it appears that the deceased’s bike was allegedly hit by a vehicle from rear end however police is looking for the offending vehicle as there is no concrete information as of now. According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Divya Sharma, a student of class eight, who was found of riding. "We received a police control room call at around 7:30 am informing us about the accident. Prima facie it appears that the deceased's bike was allegedly hit by a vehicle from rear end however police is looking for the offending vehicle as there is no concrete information as of now. "It came to light that the boy sneaked out of the house with the keys while his parents were asleep.

Trying to learn how to ride a bike alone proved costly for a 14-year-old boy as he lost his life after being allegedly mowed down by another vehicle in Krishna Nagar area of Shahdara district during the wee hours of Sunday. According to the police, the deceased has been identified as Divya Sharma, a student of class eight, who was found of riding. "We received a police control room call at around 7:30 am informing us about the accident. A team rushed to the spot and the Sharma was found bleeding profusely. He was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where he was declared brought dead on arrival," said Meghna Yadav, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara). Police recovered a Hero Honda Spelendor motorcycle from the spot which was found to be registered on the name of victim's father Amit Sharma, who works in private sector. "It came to light that the boy sneaked out of the house with the keys while his parents were asleep. The parents have informed that Sharma was fond of riding and for that he was learning to ride the motorcycle when the accident took place," said Yadav. Prima facie it appears that the deceased's bike was allegedly hit by a vehicle from rear end however police is looking for the offending vehicle as there is no concrete information as of now. "We have registered a case under section 304 A (Causing death by negligence) against unknown while we are checking the CCTV footages of the area to ascertain the identity of the vehicle," said Yadav. The cases of accidents involving minor continues unabated in the national capital. In some cases a minor is the accused and in some he is the victim and it is the responsibility of the parents to keep a strict vigil on their kids to avert any mishap. COLLISION Prima facie it appears that the deceased’s bike was allegedly hit by a vehicle from rear end however police is looking for the offending vehicle as there is no concrete information as of now.

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