Man shot dead at petrol pump in Faridabad

  • | Monday | 11th November, 2019

Faridabad: Around 10:30 am at a petrol pump in Faridabad, one louded gun shot aimed at a driver who had come in the Honda City car to fill in the CNG caused the moment of fear. In a matter of seconds, the person who was shot from a point-blank range on the frontal portion lied dead in a pool of blood. According to police officials, the way the murder was committed in the broad daylight indicates the hand of experienced contract killers. The way the crime is being committed highlights that this was a work done by professionals. We have questioned certain individuals in the case and we soon will make headway in the case," said a senior official from Faridabad Police.

Faridabad: Around 10:30 am at a petrol pump in Faridabad, one louded gun shot aimed at a driver who had come in the Honda City car to fill in the CNG caused the moment of fear. In a matter of seconds, the person who was shot from a point-blank range on the frontal portion lied dead in a pool of blood. In shock, the employees and the clients tried to save the person in the car which resulted in the unidentified bikers who committed the crime escaping from the spot. After getting hold of situation, the Faridabad police was contacted and the FIR under section 302 of the IPC was registered by the law enforcement officials. The deceased has been identified as Lalit who is a resident of Sector -21. According to police officials, the way the murder was committed in the broad daylight indicates the hand of experienced contract killers. The unidentified assailants are still at large. Investigators in the case have revealed that Lalit has a marital discord and was undergoing the proceeding of divorce in the district courts. Sources in the Faridabad said that a marital discord may be one of the major reasons for a brazen incident of crime occurring in the busy streets of the city. The Faridabad police have questioned the wife of the deceased. The law enforcement officials are also retrieving the CCTV images that caught the gruesome crime taking place so that more leads can be collected. "Our main objective first is to get hold of the two unidentified assailants. The way the crime is being committed highlights that this was a work done by professionals. We have questioned certain individuals in the case and we soon will make headway in the case," said a senior official from Faridabad Police.

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