Protestors breach security cordon enter Assembly premises

  • | Tuesday | 3rd December, 2019

New Delhi: A group of protestors breached the security cordon and entered the Delhi Assembly premises on Tuesday, raising slogans against the AAP government on the issue of dirty water allegedly being supplied in the national Capital. The protestors carrying placards managed to slip through the security cordon but were later forced out of the Assembly premises. After rejecting the motion moved by the opposition leader, Goel told the House that an unfortunate incident took place when a group of 10-15 women staged a protest at the Assembly premises. The "hooliganism" was done by bringing women protestors inside the Assembly premises and the opposition leader did it, Goel alleged in the House. "If Vijender Gupta had guts, he would have brought 10-20 boys (to stage protest at the Assembly premises)," the Speaker said.

New Delhi: A group of protestors breached the security cordon and entered the Delhi Assembly premises on Tuesday, raising slogans against the AAP government on the issue of dirty water allegedly being supplied in the national Capital. The protestors carrying placards managed to slip through the security cordon but were later forced out of the Assembly premises. Terming the incident as "hooliganism" by the BJP, Speaker Ram Niwas Goel alleged that Leader of Opposition Vijender Gupta was behind it. As the House proceedings began on the second day of Winter Session, Gupta asked for a discussion on the issue of prices rise of onions while trying to move a calling attention motion, which was turned down by the Speaker. After rejecting the motion moved by the opposition leader, Goel told the House that an unfortunate incident took place when a group of 10-15 women staged a protest at the Assembly premises. The "hooliganism" was done by bringing women protestors inside the Assembly premises and the opposition leader did it, Goel alleged in the House. "If Vijender Gupta had guts, he would have brought 10-20 boys (to stage protest at the Assembly premises)," the Speaker said. Following the accusations, some ruling AAP MLAs trooped into the Well and exchanged heated arguments with opposition members. Meanwhile, Gupta reached near Speakers chair and demanded discussion on the issue of dirty water allegedly being supplied in the city.

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