Mangaluru: The accused in the Manipal minor’s rape and murder case managed to escape on the way to Hiriyadka jail in Udupi on Sunday evening. The accused was identified based on a CCTV footage, and police arrested him at Udupi city bus stand on Saturday.The accused, a native of Badami taluk in Bagalkot district, had allegedly lured the girl with a promise of getting her a well-paying job. According to investigation, the accused strangulated the girl using her dupatta when she screamed and threatened to inform police and her family about the incident.The SP has appealed to the public to inform police department — by calling the Udupi district control room — in case they see the accused. He was booked under IPC sections 376 A, 366 A and 302, and section 6 of Pocso Act. The SP had formed three teams to investigate the case.
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