Rekha isn't the first guest to have congratulated Neha on her wedding. Recently, Neetu Kapoor also gave her a 'shagun ka lifafa' when she dropped by. The episode has been promoted through the week, with several moments standing out.
Veteran actor Rekha gave singer Neha Kakkar a handwritten note when she visited the sets of Indian Idol 12 recently. Neha is one of the judges on the show, which featured Rekha as a guest over the weekend.
On Sunday, the singer took to Instagram to gush about the veteran icon and shared a photo of the handwritten note that she gave her. In the note, Rekha congratulated Neha on her recent wedding to Rohanpreet Singh.
Neha captioned her post, "Queen of Hearts won My Heart!!! Not because she gave Me #NehuPreet Ki Shadi Ka Shagun but because of How She Is!!!! And When I saw her DANCING.... Must say I’ve never seen anything like that Ever in my life!!!! Also I kept looking at her throughout the day, Beauty Queen #Rekha Ji I’m Your Fan Forever Now!!!!" She added, "P.S. Do Not Miss The Letter in the pictures! ???? (Keep Swiping Right) @rohanpreetsingh Dekho Baby."
Rohanpreet replied, “Wowww How Sweet of Rekha Mam! This is All Because Of You My Queen!! God Bless Both the Beautiful souls in the frame.”
While it isn't easy to make out what Rekha wrote in the letter, the sentence "I wish for you both… more love than your heart can contain,” could be read.
Rekha isn't the first guest to have congratulated Neha on her wedding. Recently, Neetu Kapoor also gave her a 'shagun ka lifafa' when she dropped by.
The episode has been promoted through the week, with several moments standing out. One saw ad-hoc host Jay Bhanushali asking Rekha and Neha if they've ever seen a woman falling head over heels in love with a married man. Rekha couldn't help but reply, "Mujhse puchiye na (Ask me)," which left everyone in splits.
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