Hindi cinema lost two iconic stars in Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor in 2020. Both legends battled a long-form disease and eventually passed away leaving the nation with a heavy heart.
Hindi cinema lost two iconic stars in Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor in 2020. Both legends battled a long-form disease and eventually passed away leaving the nation with a heavy heart.
Irrfan particularly has worked extensively in Hollywood in films like Life of Pi, Jurassic World, and Inferno to name a few. Rishi Kapoor has left an incredible footprint in the world of cinema through nearly 5 decades and over a hundred films.
Both iconic superstars were given tribute at the 74th BAFTA held on Sunday night at Royal Albert Hall, London.
BAFTA had compiled a video tribute for the icons who left the world. Chadwick Boseman aka The Black Panther in Marvel Cinematic Universe was also included in the tribute with Indian icons Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor. BAFTA used the dialogue of Irrfan from Life of Pi to tribute the actor.
Irrfan died on April 29 last after battling neuroendocrine tumour for two years. A day later, Rishi died of cancer.
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