Government will complete full term under Manohar Parrikar: Ramkrishna Dhavalikar

  • | Tuesday | 4th September, 2018

What is the need of handing over the charge for a matter of eight days, when the chief minister is returning on September 8? In eight days, how many such issues will be there that require policy decision that has to be taken by the chief minister only. PANAJI: In a bid to quell rumours about change in leadership in the state in the absence of chief minister Manohar Parrikar , his senior cabinet colleague and PWD minister Ramkrishna ‘Sudin’ Dhavalikar said here on Monday that the coalition government will complete its full term under Parrikar. The reason why Parrikar has gone to the US is known to every child in Goa by now. Dhavalikar, who represents MGP and is an ally of BJP, also dismissed talk of government functioning being impacted in the absence of Parrikar.“We want to complete a full term under this leadership of Manohar Parrikar and we are capable of doing it.

PANAJI: In a bid to quell rumours about change in leadership in the state in the absence of chief minister Manohar Parrikar , his senior cabinet colleague and PWD minister Ramkrishna ‘Sudin’ Dhavalikar said here on Monday that the coalition government will complete its full term under Parrikar. Dhavalikar, who represents MGP and is an ally of BJP, also dismissed talk of government functioning being impacted in the absence of Parrikar.“We want to complete a full term under this leadership of Manohar Parrikar and we are capable of doing it. We will complete all the works that we have taken up,” Dhavalikar said, even as Goa Pradesh Congress Committee asked governor Mridula Sinha on Monday to either appoint an interim government or to dissolve the government in the state.“At this stage, nobody is in the mood to talk about change of leadership in the BJP-led coalition government,” Dhavalikar said.He said that other than him, ministers Vishwajit Rane, Vijai Sardessai, Mauvin Godinho and Rohan Khaunte were well-versed with the workings across departments and could be consulted by anyone who felt the need for guidance while Parrikar was away. Sardesai and Khaunte are first-time ministers.“I am capable to advise about any department. There is Rohan Khaunte, Vishwajit Rane, Mauvin Godinho, Vijai Sardesai, they can do any work. Administration cannot collapse just like that. That is a political statement being made. Anyone can make such a statement. What is the need of handing over the charge for a matter of eight days, when the chief minister is returning on September 8? Even today I have signed 20 files. Where is the question of administration collapsing. Files are moving,” Dhavalikar said.The opposition has been stressing that there been a ‘collapse in administration’ while Parrikar has been away in the US to undergo follow-up treatment for his pancreatic ailment. Even Dhavalikar’s cabinet colleague and another ally and Goa Forward Party president Vijai Sardesai has said there has been an impact on the state administration in the absence of Parrikar. But Dhavalikar refuted all these claims.“Anyone can make political statements. The reason why Parrikar has gone to the US is known to every child in Goa by now. And it is not right for other parties to play politics using his health. Administration, policy decisions and financial approvals are three different things. In eight days, how many such issues will be there that require policy decision that has to be taken by the chief minister only. Are rest of the ministers capable or not?” Dhavalikar said.Dhavalikar said the ministers, along with the bureaucracy and officials of various departments are capable and continue to carry out their administrative duties smoothly.“Administrative part is taken care of by the chief secretary, the secretaries and directors. If any minister is not present, the secretary can take any decision. The director also has lot of powers. He does not have to ask minister’s permission for every minor thing. So where is the question of administration suffering? Yet if anyone has some complaints they should come and meet me or the other ministers who know the history of almost all the departments,” Dhavalikar said.On whether a change in leadership might be considered if Parrikar required continued treatment, Dhavalikar said he saw no point in commenting to hypothetical questions.

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