Youth circulates child porn, held

  • | Friday | 23rd February, 2018

“He is pursuing B.Com from a local degree college and used to assist his father at his jewellery shop in the same area,” the SP added.He said that CBI team has sought transit remand of Nikhil from a local court of Kannauj before taking him to Delhi.“As per the CBI, Adarsh and four other members of a Whatsapp group uploaded/shared child abuse videos and images,” the SP said. KANPUR: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday arrested a youth from Kannauj on charge of uploading and sharing child abuse videos and images on social messaging group , Whatsapp.Sources said that CBI has registered a case against five persons of Delhi, Maharashtra and UP and others under section 67 B of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO).The charges include uploading and circulating child pornography through a WhatsApp group which has 119 members from both India and abroad.The group -- KidsXXX --included members from foreign countries like the United States, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, Mexico and New Zealand, besides India.SP Kannauj Harish Chander told TOI that one Nikhil Verma, 20, a resident of Hardeoganj under the limits of Kotwali police station was arrested by a team of CBI on Thursday.

KANPUR: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday arrested a youth from Kannauj on charge of uploading and sharing child abuse videos and images on social messaging group , Whatsapp.Sources said that CBI has registered a case against five persons of Delhi, Maharashtra and UP and others under section 67 B of the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the provisions of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO).The charges include uploading and circulating child pornography through a WhatsApp group which has 119 members from both India and abroad.The group -- KidsXXX --included members from foreign countries like the United States, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, Mexico and New Zealand, besides India.SP Kannauj Harish Chander told TOI that one Nikhil Verma, 20, a resident of Hardeoganj under the limits of Kotwali police station was arrested by a team of CBI on Thursday. “He is pursuing B.Com from a local degree college and used to assist his father at his jewellery shop in the same area,” the SP added.He said that CBI team has sought transit remand of Nikhil from a local court of Kannauj before taking him to Delhi.“As per the CBI, Adarsh and four other members of a Whatsapp group uploaded/shared child abuse videos and images,” the SP said.

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