Two held for sodomising 8 yr old boy

  • | Monday | 15th March, 2021

Ludhiana March 14The Daresi police have arrested two persons for allegedly sodomising an eight-year-old boy. The accused have been identified as Vivek and Nirbhay both residents of Kirpal Nagar. Later his wife heared shrieks of their son when she reached the place she was shocked to see that the two accused were sodomising him. The victim's father said after the incident his son was admitted to the Civil Hospital where he was undergoing treatment. Investigating officer ASI Balwinder Singh said both accused were arrested.

Ludhiana March 14 The Daresi police have arrested two persons for allegedly sodomising an eight-year-old boy. The accused have been identified as Vivek and Nirbhay both residents of Kirpal Nagar. The complainant a resident of the same locality told the police that on March 12 his son along with the accused was playing on the rooftop. Later his wife heared shrieks of their son when she reached the place she was shocked to see that the two accused were sodomising him. The duo after seeing the woman escaped from the spot. The complainant said a complaint was lodged at the Daresi police station where a case of sodomy was registered against the accused under Section 377 of the IPC. The victims father said after the incident his son was admitted to the Civil Hospital where he was undergoing treatment. Investigating officer ASI Balwinder Singh said both accused were arrested. — TNS

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