HAMS firm on contesting 20 seats in LS polls

  • | Tuesday | 19th February, 2019

Manjhi said his party men were getting impatient over media reports that HAM(S) would not get more than one seat. “HAM(S) workers started questioning my presidentship and calling me a lame leader. “When I was chief minister, I had taken 34 decisions for the uplift of the minorities and disadvantaged sections. The party only authorized Manjhi to take a call. My decisions helped me gain popularity among the masses and somehow GA is also getting advantage out of it,” he said.Manjhi said some GA members were circulating rumours that HAM(S) would get only one seat.

PATNA: Hindustani Awam Morcha (Secular) on Monday reiterated its demand for the lion’s share among the Grand Alliance (GA) partners and claimed its leader Jitan Ram Manjhi as the most popular and charismatic leader after RJD supremo Lalu Prasad in Bihar At its national executive meeting here on Monday, the rank and file of HAM(S) authorized party chief Manjhi to take a firm decision and also hold parleys with Lalu. Manjhi said his party men were getting impatient over media reports that HAM(S) would not get more than one seat. “HAM(S) workers started questioning my presidentship and calling me a lame leader. I had to take a stand and I promised them that I will meet Lalu ji on February 22 to discuss the seat-sharing formula in GA and put forth my demand that HAM(S) will contest at least 20 seats in the coming Lok Sabha elections,” Manjhi said.The former CM said his party works for the scheduled castes and poor sections of the society. “When I was chief minister, I had taken 34 decisions for the uplift of the minorities and disadvantaged sections. Such decisions were appreciated by many political parties. My decisions helped me gain popularity among the masses and somehow GA is also getting advantage out of it,” he said.Manjhi said some GA members were circulating rumours that HAM(S) would get only one seat. “We will contest 20 seats or else HAM(S) would be free to field its candidates from that many seats in the coming Lok Sabha elections,” he added.HAM(S) national general secretary Santosh Kumar Suman said the majority of the national executive members were of the view that the party should get at least one seat more than the Congress and other allies. In case this demand is not met, the party should be free to contest as many seats as it wants on its own in Bihar and other states as well.Manjhi had declared last week that a final decision would be taken in the HAM(S) national executive meeting, but no decision was taken on Monday. The party only authorized Manjhi to take a call.

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