Kriti Kharbana praises Deepika Padukone says 'no matter what wears, her attitude attracts'

"On red carpet Deepika Padukone. That's it. For me nobody else beats her. She is someoen who carries herself with so much grace and dignity. No matter what she wears, how she wears, her attitude is so attractive that one barely looks at her clothes."

Deepika Padukone has added one more fan in her kitty and that’s none other than actress Kriti Kharbanda.

Present at the Elle Beauty Awards 2017 when asked her whose red carpet style she admires. Kriti said,

"On red carpet Deepika Padukone. That's it. For me nobody else beats her. She is someoen who carries herself with so much grace and dignity. No matter what she wears, how she wears, her attitude is so attractive that one barely looks at her clothes."

Kriti Kharbanda is all set to come with her next film opposite Rajkumar Rao named ‘Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana’, which is all set to release on November 10th

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