Ranveer Singh Imitates Manoj Kumar, his reaction will SHOCK you

“What Shah Rukh did was hitting below the belt. What Ranveer did was in good taste."

Veteran actor Manoj Kumar, who got furious after SRK mimicked him in ‘Om Shanti Om’, gave a shocking reaction after Ranveer Singh imitated him in a photo.

Recently, Ranveer posted a picture on Instagram posing like the veteran actor by keeping his hand on his face. He captioned the image saying,

“Workin' the Manoj Kumar”


Workin' the Manoj Kumar

A post shared by Ranveer Singh (@ranveersingh) on

After coming across the pic, Manoj Kumar said,

 “I have seen the snapshot. He has done a good job of imitating me. I laughed a lot when I saw the picture. Ranveer is on the right track."

He added,

"Ranveer is a fine artiste. My good wishes are with him. I have seen his film Band Baaja Baaraat."

When asked about how was Ranveer’s gesture different from Shah Rukh Khan’s in ‘Om Shanti Om’, the veteran said,

“What Shah Rukh did was hitting below the belt. What Ranveer did was in good taste."

Well, do you think Manoj Kumar has picked his favourite between the two? Do let us know in the comments

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