Friday Futures: rats driving cars, self healing slime

Welcome to Friday Futures, our weekly guide to the latest visions of The Future from around the web. This week: rats that drive cars; self healing slime with 720 sexes; retina on a chip; alien worlds visible; sentient brains in labs; gas waterfalls; light speed explained and the real dangers of AI. Rats can drive (tiny) cars – of courseA team of scientists at the University of Richmond, Virginia have taught rats how to drive tiny cars around a track, New Scientist reports — a bold step in the study of animal cognition. Some neuroscientists working with lab-grown human “mini brains” worry they could be experiencing an endless horror, with a conscious existence with no body. Read more… Gas waterfalls reveal infant planets For the first time, astronomers have witnessed 3D motions of gas in a planet-forming disk.

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