All the roads lead to Odisha: Is BJP in a panic mode?

BY DN Singh

In summer it is usual that people head towards hilly destinations for respite from the heat. But, the heat of 2024 elections has, for whatever reason, compelled the cluster of the central leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP), including the Prime Minister Modi, to rush to Odisha often and on.

It sounds a bit unprecedented because of the State’s lethargic political activities so far unlike its neighbor states like Bihar or Chhattisgarh and so on.              

Recent spree of road shows in Odisha by both the main rivals has been hitting up the political climate in the state  like never before.

After the road show by Modi very recently, and on Thursday the road show by the BJP president J P Nadda and subsequently by the chief minister in the same evening were not for nothing.

Offence is best defence

For many political observers it obviously raised many eyebrows as what are the compelling reasons for the BJP in general and the PM in particular to become so focused this time on Odisha.

It may be mentioned here that the PM is again coming to Odisha on coming Monday breaking all records in the past of any PM pitching his tents in Odisha during polls.   

The emphasis can well be read in between the lines as why all the roads lead to Odisha.

Political observers feel that the frequency of BJP’s muscle flexing in Odisha has other reasons.

“BJP’s grips in the Hindi heartland seem slackening and none other than the PM has the realisation that Odisha once under a BJP friendly dispensation     can still be a resource point for certain reasons” said Rabi Das a senior political analyst and he added that “as regards the PM’s quest for the 400 mark in the Lok Sabha which it aims to compensate as far as possible from Odisha that has 21 Lok Sabha seats”.                  

“Although 400 this time appears to be a tall order for the saffron brigade but to reach up to a face saving target of minimum 300 MPs by the NDA cluster, latter has been virtually mollycoddling the sentiments of the people of Odisha”, opined Priya Ranjan Sahoo, senior journalist.

Surrounded by political snipers from all around the Odisha chief minister for the first time came out in a road show as a last ditch effort to fortify Bhubaneswar Lok Sabha and wrest it back from the BJP.

His road show was nearly a reminiscence of his campaign in 2019.  Again in a Bus and the same quiet gestures of thankfulness with folded hands seeking blessings for the BJD again.

However, he used the trump card of announcing free electricity to people of Odisha that may, to a great extent, boost up BJD’s vote percentage in the poling on May 25 also.

“It is a huge, huge respite for us who live in acute hardship in the sub-urban and semi-rural areas given the tariff of electricity after it was taken over by a corporate giant” said Kailash Sahu, a resident of Salia Sahi , in Bhubaneswar’s largest slum.

The PM`s next visit to Odisha speaks volumes about the indispensability of the BJP as regards Odisha. 

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